Trainers and external experts

Roy Pogorzelski, Canada 
Roy Pogorzelski is Metis (Indigenous) from Northern Saskatchewan, Canada.  Roy has been involved in the Indigenous field for many years. He has been employed as a Research/Teacher’s Assistant for the First Nations University of Canada; and has worked in government, youth care, non-profit and in academia.  Roy is also a free-lance writer for Indigenous media (national) and implemented a column “Aboriginal Voices” within the mainstream print media discussing Indigenous Rights within the community of Lethbridge.
Currently, Roy is residing in Leuven, Belgium, working on a free-lance and consulting basis.

Bianca Hunkeler, Incomindios 

Andri Heimann & Victoria Gronwald, Amnesty International 
Andri and Victoria are active members of Amnesty International Switzerland. Andri founded a new Amnesty youth group in Solothurn last year and Victoria is leading the Amnesty student group at the University of Basel. They will share their experience in organizing actions and events aiming at defending human rights.

Vita de Waal, Foundation for Gaia 

Widely traveled from a very early age, Vita is actively engaged in humanitarian and environmental strategies. She lived and worked for 10 years in what was to become one of the first NGOs to create the eco- village concept and that was recently found to have the lowest ecological footprint ever measured in the industrialized world. She lectured extensively at conferences and universities and led workshops in Europe, the USA and India. She was a founding member and Board member of numerous NGOs She is still actively engaged with numerous NGOs, NGO Committees and Networks. However, her focus now lies with the opportunities available to NGOs in working with human rights and with the United Nations and in particular with the UN in Geneva.  
Daphne Zografos Johnsson, WIPO Traditional Knowledge Division 
Belen Rodriguez de Alba, OHCHR Indigenous and Minorities Section
GIMUN (Geneva International Model United Nations)
The Geneva International Model United Nations (GIMUN) is a fully student run Non Governmental Organisation in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. Their goal is to promote the ideals and principles of the United Nations among the youth - university students in particular. They seek to provide young adults with a multilateral platform to discuss various global issues that are handled by the UN. Their core event is the Annual MUN Conference.

Nicole Cornu, Éduaction 21

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